Equipment List

2019 Mazak HCN 5000 Horizontal Machining Center, 120-Position Tool Changer, 15,000 RPM 1000 PSI Super flow through spindle coolant system, Full 4th Axis. Smooth G Control
Mazak 18 Pallet Twin Machine Horizontal Flexible Manufacturing Cell, 2x Mazak FH-4800, 120 Position Tool Changer, 12,000 RPM 1000 PSI Super flow through spindle coolant system, Full 4th Axis.
Mazak 12 Pallet Horizontal Flexible Manufacturing Cell, 1x Mazak FH-4800, 120 Position Tool Changer, 15,000 RPM 1000 PSI Super flow through spindle coolant system, Full 4th Axis.
Enshu JE 60S Horizontal CNC Milling Center 30 HP 120-position tool changer, 13,000 rpm through spindle coolant, Full 4-Axis.
Enshu Horizontal CNC Milling Center 30 HP 60-position tool changer, 13,000 rpm through the spindle coolant.

Mazak Nexus VCN 530C Vertical Milling Center with Pallet Changer, Oversized Table Capacity 51” x 21”, 15,000 RPM Through Spindle Coolant, 48 Position Tool Changer, Smooth G Control, with 4th Axis.
Daewoo DMV 500 Milling Center, 30-position tool changer 40” x 20” capacity, 30HP 10,000 rpm and through the spindle coolant. Rigid tapping.
Matsuura Model RA-I CNC Vertical Machining Centers with pallet changer, 30-Position tool changer, with 4th Axis.
Matsuura 2A Model RA-IIF with pallet changer, 30-position tool changer, with 4th Axis.
Matsuura 3A Model RA-IIF with pallet changer, 30-position tool changer, with 4th Axis.
Hitachi Seiki VM40H Two-Pallet Super Productive Vertical Machining Center 40-position tool changer.
Fadel CNC Machining Center, 24-position tool changer 40” x 20” capacity, 22.5 HP Spindle.
Fadel CNC Machining Center, 24-position tool changer 60” x 30” capacity, 22.5 HP Spindle, 4th Axis Equipped.

Clausing Kondia Mill 34 ¼” x 15 ¼” capacity, pro track
7 Bridgeport Milling Machines with ProTrac CNC Controls with 24 x 12
OKK – MH-2P Horizontal/Vertical Milling Machine 34” x 15” capacity with digital readout.

Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 250 CNC Lathe with 35 HP 24” Swing, with 12- position tool changer
Mazak Quick Turn Smart 250 CNC Lathe with 35 HP 21” Swing, with 12 position tool changer
Mazak Multiplex 8 Axis 6200Y, Live Tool, Twin Spindle, Bar Feed and Conveyor
Doosan Puma 2100 CNC Turning Center, with 12 position tool changer
Daewoo Puma CNC Turning Center 250B 30 HP 22.5” Swing, with 12-position
tool changer and parts catcher.
Daewoo Puma 8HC CNC Turning Center 25 HP 19” Swing with 12-position tool changer.
Okuma Cadet LNC-8T, Osp700L control
Okuma LB-10 10 HP 8” swing 1 1/2 tool changer.

Southwestern Trak TRL 1745P Lathe
Southwestern Sport Trak TRL 1745P Lathe
Clausing Engine Lathe, 15” gap lathe Digital readout 9-position tool offset.
32 ½ “swing.
Clausing Engine Lathe, 17” swing 84” between centers, Digital readout 9-position tool offset.
Clausing Engine Lathe, 21” gap lathe Digital readout 9-position tool offset.
32 ½ “swing.
1 Harding HLV-H Super Precision Dovetail Bed Tool Room Lathe.
2 Harding Lathes HC 100-A.
2 Harding Tool Room Lathe

ISO 9001:2015 Certification Number US3740
Mitutoyo Coordinate Measuring Machine: Crysta-Apex C, 4-axis​
Sunnen Precision Hole Gage (.3700 to 3.000 inches).
Optical Comparator, bore gages, surface plates, height gages, gage blocks, pin gages etc.
Portable Surface Roughness Gage (Profilometer).
Rockwell Hardness Testing

Do All Hydraulic Surface Grinder, 12 x 16
2 Brown & Sharpe Surface Grinders.
2 Sunnen Precision Honing Machines.
Phoenix Horizontal Automatic Band Saw 12” x 12” capacity
Do All Horizontal Automatic Band Saw 12” x 12” capacity.
Johnson Horizontal cut off saw
Do All Vertical Band Saw
Grob Vertical Band Saw
Vertical Band Saw.
MIG & TIG Welding, Cold Saws, Oxygen Acetylene Welding
Tailift Forklift 2500 lb capacity.
Allis Chalmers Forklift 15,000 lb. capacity
Electric 2-man Scaffold Lift.
Econoline Dry Blast Equipment – Glass Beader.
30 inch Time Saver

Solidworks 2019-2015 Design Capabilities and Engineering Lab
Solidworks CAM 2019
Solidoworks Visualize
eDrawings 2019
Mastercam 7x